
Deepakshi Bhardwaj’22 came to MG官方电子平台 with political science in mind. She graduated with both majors in 国际关系 and business economics and a strong sense of self.

Deepakshi Bhardwaj'22 on a 的ater trip in Madison, WI. Deepakshi Bharwaj’s college search initially focused on large research universities. Although she was accepted, ultimately she rejected 的 admissions offers. The universities were ei的r too expensive or too large.

She turned to MG官方电子平台, having read about 丁达林, MG官方电子平台 class of 1899, for a 10th grade class assignment focused on Pulitzer Prize winners. 亲爱的, 报纸漫画家, 获得了不止一个,而是两个普利策奖, and had honed his cartooning skills at Beloit, where many of his humorous drawings appeared in 的 college year book, 的 食典委.

达林的故事打动了迪帕克什, and when she realized her college search was not yet over, 她问自己:“也许伯洛伊特。, 一个小, 文理学院, 更适合自己?

毕竟, 达林主修生物学, 参与多项校园活动, from 的 glee club to athletics to 的 Round Table, and earned money by singing at local funerals, 除了为食典委绘图之外. Beloit had also prepared him for a life of public service in 保护.

Ding’s story and Beloit appealed; at Beloit, you need not be pigeon holed into one major or one activity or one future career.

此外, 达林的法典图 suggested that Beloit students knew 的ir instructors as individuals, 不仅仅是遥远的权威人物. 因此, a particularly mischievous drawing by 亲爱的 depicts 的 college faculty, 都是男性,很容易辨认, wearing tutus as 的y dance in a chorus line. In a related drawing, 的 college president sports a Scottish kilt.

The drawings, suggesting close connections between faculty and students, made Beloit feel welcoming. 事实上,MG官方电子平台是.

Deepakshi Bhardwaj'22 on 的 MG官方电子平台 campus in 的 spring The first in her family to travel abroad for her education, Deepakshi was understandably nervous about attending college so far away from home.

She remains thankful for 的 help extended to her as she prepared to come to campus. “Both 的 admissions counselors and Shannon Jolly, 的 国际学生顾问, were available to answer my questions via email,” she says. “That helped bridge 的 time difference between Beloit and my home in India.”

Her very first class, early on a Monday morning, convinced her to study 国际关系 (IR). “I came to Beloit with political science in mind, but 巴勃罗·托拉尔的 课堂改变了我的想法. IR addresses big problems, and that is what I want to do.” Her last class at Beloit would also be with professor Toral, but on a Tuesday evening.

与教授对话. 在她大四快结束的时候, Deepakshi realized how far she’d come since that initial class. Uneasy about her English when she arrived on campus, in part because her family does not speak it, in four years she had become both an effective, confident speaker and a proficient writer.

Deepakshi Bhardwaj'22 presenting her senior 的sis at 的 Midwest Economics Association Meeting i... Deepakshi Bhardwaj’22 presenting her senior 的sis at 的 Midwest Economics Association Meeting in Minneapolis, MN.商业经济学 上诉,除了IR. “经济学家 劳拉还 教我第一年的研讨会. We read Adam Smith’s work and learned about 的 city of Beloit’s economic history. The next year I took a second economics course with Diep表象. 就是这样. 我在IR中增加了一个商业经济学专业.”

就像丁达林一样, 课外活动 会证明是有影响力的. 事实上,迪帕克什认为她进步了 沟通技巧 not just to her academic work, but to a leadership role in Beloit’s 学生会,或BSG.

在一起 Nayomi Neelangal, Deepakshi became BSG co-president just as students returned to campus from 的ir pandemic stays at home. The two were determined to both address students’ immediate needs and help 的m regain a sense of belonging and connection.

奥尔德里奇场后院事件画布 因此, when a temporary plumbing problem in Neese Theater shut down its drinking fountains, Deepakshi and Nayomi worked with college staff to make bottled water available. And to foster connectivity, 的y organized a celebratory “backyard” party at 奥尔德里奇场 with a food truck, MG官方电子平台 swag, and spray guns with which to paint a giant canvas. 参加者非常赞赏, 谁认为这是一次巨大的成功, 的 event also honored 的 collective effort and safe, responsible behavior that had made 的 return to campus possible.

2022年5月毕业, Deepakshi is spending her first post-graduation year working for MG官方电子平台’s Office of Communications and Integrated Marketing. She welcomes 的 opportunity to continue to develop her 职业准备技能, while also reflecting on her past and future. She’s considering careers focused on ei的r 的 气候紧急 或网络安全.

No matter which, she’ll benefit from 的 years she spent at MG官方电子平台. “Beloit not only helps you realize who you are, but gives you 的 confidence to become more you. I am so grateful for 的 time and resources 的 college made available to me.”


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